Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Modest Preaching

It seems like many Christians are compelled to prove to non-believers that we are not prudes nor stuck in the mud.

In churches, pastors and believers seem to think that speaking on sex will somehow earn the respect of non-believers who already live in a sex-saturated culture.

Now surely, sex is a wonderful gift from God our Father to us that is to be enjoyed between a husband and wife within covenant relationship. In fact, it is most glorifying to God when it is enjoyable for the members of the marital relationship. However, this does not negate that the topic should be spoken of honorably. Not just for the sake that sex should be honored, but even more so for the fact that our wife should be honored:

You husbands in the same way, live with {your wives} in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.--1 Peter 3:7
It seems to me that if we would not want our wife to dress in such a way that causes men to picture her intimately, we should be careful not to speak of intimacy in ways that causes them to picture her in their mind. We should do all we can to not just tell the world sex is fun (they already know that), but proclaim that it--and more importantly, our wife--is to be greatly honored.


Kati said...

I'm not sure who thought up the idea that intimate issues should be discussed openly in church. Certainly there is a time and a place for discussion--and it is most certainly NOT in a room full of both men and women--for exactly the reason you stated.

DL said...

I agree with this post and with Kati, which is why Song of Solomon and parts of Proverbs should only be read in gender-specific settings.

danny2 said...

i'm going to assume darby is typing tongue in cheek. (we really need that sarcasm font to be invented).

surely every text can be preached in a mixed setting. however, modesty can be practiced.

my concern is that some men would use "sex" as a form of being edgy (which is all the rage in pulpits today)...

it's not that preaching on sex is wrong, or preaching from text that deal with sex is wrong. i struggle with the way some men do it.

and, as i was stating in this post, if i do it in such a way that it dishonors the privacy of my own relationship with my wife...i best let someone else preach on the topic.

Jodi Bradshaw said...

I went to a Song of Solomon conference at Cedarville when I was a student there. It was a mixed setting of about 3500 people. I thought the way it was taught was very appropriate and not in any gross or vulgar form at all.

I know exactly why you wrote this post and I agree that some ways in which pastors are talking about the issue is wrong but I in no way think that it should never be preached in church.