I found a quiz last night through Expository Thoughts site.
Click here to take the quiz.
Then, if you would, come back and leave me your result on the comment section.
(I scored as a "Single Meaning, Multiple Contexts and Referents view," though I must confess I didn't like the way a number of the questions were worded. With multiple choice, you are often left to choose an answer that doesn't really express it like you would, but comes the closest. Felt like that happened a lot.)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hermeneutics Quiz
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Prayer for an Expositor
James McDonald, pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel announced he has prostate cancer. On his blog, he wrote:
So that’s it! I have cancer and I can diagnose the theology as well as any oncologist can diagnose the pathology. But here’s the great part. I truly believe those things. I am not especially anxious, I am not struggling with God’s goodness or asking a lot of penetrating ‘why’s?’ I am more aware of my pending mortality and the brevity of this life by eternal standards.You can read the whole article here.
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cursory Cultural Comment
The recent brouhaha created by Newsweek's cover article has me breaking my typical rule for this blog (sort of) and commenting on a contemporary issue.
Some initial thoughts:
- 1. It's Newsweek. Did we really expect quality exegesis from Newsweek magazine? (Perhaps from her sister publication, The Snohomish County Daily Herald, but not from Newsweek.)
- 2. When many prominent leaders who profess to be evangelical can't decide what Scripture says about homosexuality, why should we act shocked when the secular media follows suit?
- Just this week, when I mentioned to another pastor that our church would be studying Leviticus next, his response was simply, "Why?"
However, this misses the point entirely. Incidents like this do not make Leviticus relevant, Leviticus always has been and is relevant! Articles like this should remind pastors that their people need to know how to handle the Book of Leviticus properly for it is the very Word of God. After all, the book literally begins, "And the Lord called... To neglect Biblical text is to neglect God's own revelation about Himself.
Therefore, we'll be walking through Leviticus this winter, not because I'm looking for the latest trend to make our pulpit hip. We won't even be looking at Leviticus as a reaction to the Newsweek article. We'll be walking through Leviticus because as we study the text, God will be revealing Himself to us and pointing to the sacrifice of His Son for my sins on the cross. Nothing is more relevant than that.
But that's not why I chose to write this article.
The real issue here that makes this article germane is:
- Without employing a "Jesus Hermeneutic" the church can offer absolutely no solution.
But all of these tactics will prove inadequate and empty. Unbelievers can easily remind the church that God isn't pleased by high divorce rates. Issues of created order and procreation fall on deaf ears to a world advocating evolution, feminism and overpopulation. Sermon series about marriage or tips for people to learn how to peaceably live around one another will not meet the task. Simply declaring that a Christian marriage is a permanent marriage does not call the world to defend the institution of marriage.
No, the Christian must see that marriage is less about a husband and wife and more about Christ and the Church.
FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.--Ephesians 5:31-32Pastors need to call their people beyond rules and policies. Practical advice and tips will not allow people to see the true glory of marriage. More importantly, simply calling for people to support legislative action is not the same as calling people to repentance and faith. Without preaching Christ, and marriage's purpose of displaying the love of Christ for His church and the church's submission to her Groom, we will simply scratch the surface instead of digging to the root.
Strangely, some will claim a "Jesus Hermeneutic" neglects the whole counsel of Scripture. Yet, the preacher who takes John 5 seriously will find himself preaching from any of the 66 books of the Bible, not just the one that seems most trendy for the moment.
Others claim preaching with a "Jesus Hermeneutic" will neglect application. But for the preacher who sees the glory of preaching Christ from every text, he knows this application goes beyond petitions and picketing, and applies straight to the heart.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Evangelista Contra Mundum?
Dan Phillips writes an excellent article regarding our position in relationship to the world.
Must read.
He, like me, also does not think the name Athanasius would be a total disaster for a child!
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