I recently heard a pastor sharing a message, where in the midst of the message he quoted Isaiah 26:3, in the NLT:
You will keep in perfect peaceHis next words:
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Your mental state is totally dependent on what you think about.Catch the shift? (Offer it in the comment section.)
To say my (me) mental state is totally dependent on what I (me) think about, totally eliminates God from the equation.
The passage says: "You (God) will keep in perfect peace all (me) who trust in you (God), all (me) whose thoughts are fixed on you!"
The only way we can trust God is by faith which is given to us by Him through grace! Our ability to trust God and to fix our thoughts on Him come from Him.
The "shift"
- From God's activity of preservation to that of our own sinful activity in self preservation. Appropriating and taking upon ourselves what only God can (and must) do and thinking that we have the capability to do it on our own. A role reversal of monumental proportions that has powerfully negative consequences.
- The idea that we have the power to be at peace with God by just “thinking” the right way or “thinking” the right thoughts is the virtue Pelagius thought we were capable of.
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