Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer Break

I'm starting to realize, one of the marks of being a good expositor is that he will take a break from other things (like blogging) to be able to focus on exposition. So I'm kind of cheating and just pointing toward some links.

The Pastor's Soul

The attitude that some pastors have about their sheep can often cause me to have to readjust my attitude. Often they grumble, complain and whine about the hand they've been dealt. Then, they struggle to figure out why people aren't real excited to follow their leadership.

Now, I've been told that I shouldn't even comment on this subject because I have it far too easy. I have an amazing church! And while I must agree (the beauty of the people far exceeds anything their teaching pastor provides) and confess that I don't deserve a church like Greenville Grace, let alone shepherd there, I must disagree that it is all about circumstances.

Granted, my feet haven't really been put to the fire on loving difficult people, I think the issue really is theological.

Check out these audio links:

Sustaining A Pastor's Soul

The Pastor and His Joy (the "how to" of the above).

Really, these are beneficial for all, minister or not. Again, the key to Christ exalting ministry is keeping our eyes on the gospel.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Danny~ so starange that you post on this, when just last Saturday we were told about my uncle's pastor who refered to his church as"some are sheep, some are goats, call them whatever you want" then he can't figure out why they act the way they do!

We as well consider ourselves completely blessed by simply calling Greenville Grace our home!