Me...quoting CJ Mahaney...quoting Spurgeon:
They may be able to preach the gospel better, but praise God they cannot preach a better gospel!
Me...quoting CJ Mahaney...quoting Spurgeon:
They may be able to preach the gospel better, but praise God they cannot preach a better gospel!
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Due to the long delays while I write/rewrite/delete/rewrite my posts, I plan to offer a short glimpse of something near the end of each week. However, unlike old blog, I do plan to relate these thoughts to preaching.
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See also: BB
Due to the long delays while I write/rewrite/delete/rewrite my posts, I plan to offer a short glimpse of something near the end of each week. However, unlike old blog, I do plan to relate these thoughts to preaching.
For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.--1 Corinthians 2:2Our determination should be no different than Paul's. Our preaching must name the name of Jesus. If a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, et al could sit through our sermon and apply terms (like Lord, Savior, God, etc) to fit their own system we have failed. We must eliminate their referents by clearly stating that we preach of Jesus.
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See also: BB
I'm looking forward to seeing:
Thabiti Anyabwile
Mark Dever
Ligon Duncan
John MacArthur
CJ Mahaney
Albert Mohler
John Piper
RC SproulBut I'd also love to see you.
If you are planning to be at "T4G", please either comment below (with some form of contact information) or email me. (Perhaps we can even get a larger group together.)
UPDATE: If you know of someone who is not going to be able to attend the conference, though they had registered, I know a brother who is willing to compensate them for their registration and attend the conference. Please contact me ASAP
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See also: conferences
In this connection I would like to encourage Christians who delight in finding the Lord Jesus Christ upon every page of Scripture. Do not permit yourselves to be frightened by those overcautious souls who cry against what they call "too much typology." Doubtless there are some things which may properly be catalogued as "types" and others not. But whatever you may call it, it is the privilege and highest duty of the Christian to discover and behold the face of the Lord Jesus in Scripture--everywhere! Far better to break a few rules of classical hermeneutics than to miss the vision of His blessed face.
--Law and Grace, p 67-68
We need only one caution--let us be sure that what we find is always true to the historic revelation of the Son as recorded in the New Testament. With this safeguard, there is no end to what we may find in the inspired record of the infinite and incarnate Son of God. And by finding Him throughout Scripture, we shall be finding the perfect will of God in the wonderful context of His grace. For grace reigns "through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:21)
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See also: FGBC "giants"